Esperanto - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre El esperanto es una lengua auxiliar cuya base fue creada por el oftalmólogo polaco L. L. Zamenhof en 1876 como resultado de una década de trabajo, con la ... Hablado en‎: ‎Todo el mundo Regulado por‎: ‎Akademio de Esperanto Creado por‎: ‎L. L. Zamenhof Oficial en‎: ‎Ningún país, pero usado ofici... Esperanto - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Traducir esta página Esperanto is a constructed international auxiliary language. It is the most widely spoken constructed language in the world. The Polish ophthalmologist L. L. ... Created by‎: ‎L. L. Zamenhof Early forms‎: ‎Proto-Esperanto: Esperanto Setting and usage‎: ‎International auxiliary ... Writing system‎: ‎Latin script‎ (‎Esperanto a...

miércoles, 3 de abril de 2019

CUBA: MISSION CULTURE INSIDE VENEZUELA. NEW AGGIORNAMIENTO OF THE CASTRISTA IDEOLOGY. Aggiornamento or adapting to the culture, idiosyncrasy or education of a people is a strategy taken from the Second Vatican Council to embed the gospel to new cultures, well known by the empires-starting with English-but it was Fidel Castro and Che Guevara- Raúl It was too gross to understand these methods of inculturation of a people and form a new generation, with another ideology, another doctrine incomprehensible to the new youth, and false hopes of a "bright future" to follow the new guidelines of the new leadership imposed on the poor man. But this time they take out all references to Christianity. Of course, the "new man" of

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