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Esperanto - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
El esperanto es una lengua auxiliar cuya base fue creada por el oftalmólogo polaco L. L. Zamenhof en 1876 como resultado de una década de trabajo, con la ...
Hablado en: Todo el mundo Regulado por: Akademio de Esperanto
Creado por: L. L. Zamenhof Oficial en: Ningún país, pero usado ofici...
Esperanto - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Esperanto is a constructed international auxiliary language. It is the most widely spoken constructed language in the world. The Polish ophthalmologist L. L. ...
Created by: L. L. Zamenhof Early forms: Proto-Esperanto: Esperanto
Setting and usage: International auxiliary ... Writing system: Latin script (Esperanto a...
sábado, 23 de noviembre de 2019
jueves, 14 de noviembre de 2019
Así lo explica nuestro documento: “En cuanto somos salvados, en cambio, «por la oblación del cuerpo de Jesucristo» (Hb 10, 10; cf. Col 1, 22), la verdadera salvación, lejos de ser liberación del cuerpo, también incluye su santificación (cf. Ro 12, 1). El cuerpo humano ha sido modelado por Dios, quien ha inscrito en él un lenguaje que invita a la persona humana a reconocer los dones del Creador y a vivir en comunión con los hermanos. El Salvador ha restablecido y renovado, con su Encarnación y su misterio pascual, este lenguaje originario y nos lo ha comunicado en la economía corporal de los sacramentos. Gracias a los sacramentos, los cristianos pueden vivir en fidelidad a la carne de Cristo y, en consecuencia, en fidelidad al orden concreto de relaciones que Él nos ha dado. Este orden de relaciones requiere, de manera especial, el cuidado de la humanidad sufriente de todos los hombres, a través de las obras de misericordia corporales y espirituales..........Ante el dolor y el sufrimiento, lo que verdaderamente vale más es el consuelo; y el consuelo se transmite mediante la presencia, la coparticipación en el de manera especialmente humana. Cuando uno sufre, lo que más se agradece es la presencia del otro que le transmite su calor humano. Eliminar el dolor, como propone el Transhumanismo, es eliminar a la vez la presencia consoladora del otro y también el abrazo de Jesús que no rechazó el cáliz del dolor. Cristo no ha venido a explicar el sufrimiento ni a resolver el problema del mal: ha tomado el mal sobre sus espaldas para liberarnos de él.
This is explained by our document: "As soon as we are saved," by the oblation of the body of Jesus Christ "(Hb 10, 10; cf. Col 1:22), true salvation, far from being liberation from the body, also it includes his sanctification (cf. Ro 12, 1). The human body has been modeled by God, who has inscribed in it a language that invites the human person to recognize the gifts of the Creator and to live in communion with the brothers. The Savior has restored and renewed, with its Incarnation and its paschal mystery, this original language and has communicated it to us in the bodily economy of the sacraments. Thanks to the sacraments, Christians can live in fidelity to the flesh of Christ and, consequently, in fidelity to the concrete order of relationships that He has given us. This order of relationships requires, in a special way, the care of the suffering humanity of all men, through the corporal and spiritual works of mercy .......... In the face of pain and suffering, what truly worth more is comfort; and consolation is transmitted through presence, co-participation in the especially human way. When one suffers, what is most appreciated is the presence of the other that transmits his human warmth. To eliminate pain, as Transhumanism proposes, is to eliminate both the comforting presence of the other and also the embrace of Jesus who did not reject the chalice of pain. Christ has not come to explain the suffering or to solve the problem of evil: he has taken evil on his back to free us from it. DR ORLANDO VICENTE ALVAREZ URUGUAYAN CUBAN
Science, like any other human activity, knows that it has limits that must be observed for the sake of humanity itself, and requires a sense of ethical responsibility. The true measure of progress, as Blessed Paul VI recalled, is what is directed to the good of every man and every man. Therefore, I believe it is necessary for Catholics to reflect deeply and rigorously on this biopolitical system and this biotechnological economic model that may end up being directed by a synergy radically contrary to God's designs. Extending life in this life is fine, but the act of defying death is entering a very dangerous terrain, since a human immortality on earth would oppose God's plan (death, judgment, heaven, hell). Natural law helps us in that discernment and the strength of the Holy Spirit will inspire us to do things well. We should not be afraid and act with caution but with hope itself. DR ORLANDO VICENTE ÁLVAREZ
cuban uruguayen,genius...
La ciencia, como cualquier otra actividad humana, sabe que tiene límites que se deben observar por el bien de la humanidad misma, y requiere un sentido de responsabilidad ética. La verdadera medida del progreso, como recordaba el beato Pablo VI, es lo que está dirigido al bien de cada hombre y de todo hombre». Por ello, creo necesario que los católicos reflexionemos profunda y rigurosamente sobre este sistema biopolitico y este modelo económico biotecnológico que puede acabar siendo dirigido por una sinarquía contraria radicalmente a los designios de Dios. Alargar la vida en esta vida está bien, pero el hecho de desafiar a la muerte es entrar en un terreno muy peligroso, pues una inmortalidad humana en la tierra se opondría al plan de Dios (muerte, juicio, cielo, infierno). La Ley natural nos ayuda en ese discernimiento y la fuerza del Espíritu Santo nos inspirará para hacer bien las cosas. No debemos tener miedo y actuar con cautela pero con esperanza misma. dr ORLANDO VICENTE ÁLVAREZ
cubano uruguayo,genio
After searching in Google about this term in Cuban magazine I only found a job informing what it was, taking a neutral position on it. Here I told myself that the most educated citizens of the country did not even know about the new transformations that the powerful of this world augured, and I decided to write this long article.
First we define the Transmutation as brief as possible. This new futurological vision that borders on science fiction.Technology and robotics predict an evolutionary leap of the species.The transhumanist ideology aims to offer our contemporary societies a futuristic story that gives a philosophical, moral and, even, spiritual coverage to the technological dimension of the postmodern neoliberal project in this 21st century.
Technology and robotics predict an evolutionary leap of the species. At what cost?According to the transhumanist movement, and as Google engineer Ray Kurzweil affirms, the singularity will be an event that will happen within a few years-50 years or as it always happens in science, within 55 or 120 years, with the spectacular increase in technological progress, and due to the development of artificial intelligence and the convergence of NBIC technologies (nanotechnology, biotechnology, information and communication technologies and neurocognitive technologies).
That situation would cause social, cultural, political and economic changes unimaginable, impossible to understand or predict by any human before the aforementioned event. In this phase of evolution,
Transhumanism predicts that the fusion between technology and human intelligence will take place, giving rise to an era in which the non-biological intelligence of the posthuman will be imposed.Throughout this process, Transhumanism wants to spread an ideology and a culture favorable to "human improvement" through the adoption of artificial improvements in human beings (genetic, organic, technological) with the stated aim of making it more intelligent, more long-lived, more perfect, happier, even so that he can reach cybernetic immortality and the conquest of the universe- Ahh. Hollywood, how you have influenced us and prepared for these changes- However, this worldview can involve risks. Are we prepared for this radical change or do we think that we must conserve our genetic heritage and continue to be "human persons", with our limitations, while preserving our inalienable freedom and dignity?"
The Singularity is a hypothetical future event in which technological progress and social change will accelerate due to the development of superhuman artificial intelligences, changing our world in such a way that any human being prior to the Singularity would be incapable of understanding or predicting. Some thinkers identify the beginning of the Singularity with the appearance of machines as intelligent as humans, and capable of designing even more intelligent machines " They write novels, they play something like gods, they are surgeons ...
The achievements of the machines are portentous, but Artificial Intelligence is still far from surpassing the human and the future will not be a dystopia: it will result from human-machine cooperation.
Cuba and its current technological backwardness in that it has not yet created a single smart phone or a robot, even if it says Yes, as they want the Cuban to always respond to the proposals of the Socialist State. The Institute of Genetic Engineering or whatever it is called, has only produced the famous Vaccine against lung cancer and the already proven - with negative medical results - the lotion against Vitiligo. And that has scientists and super qualified physicians for genetic transmutation and work on certain diseases or malformations that some fetuses in utero develop.
But something is missing in Havana: it is an anthropological and economic-moral factor. Our scientists just survive with widespread famine and the daily search for food and clothing. That is why they have not investigated about a gene, which embedded a chicken, obtain a new breed that produces many eggs and a lot of meat. Even if it was just that.The material stimulus is scarce and the motivation to investigate is full of bureaucrats everywhere - especially members of the MININT - monitoring the possible investigations for a better autonomy of science not so much supervised by the State and where the new ideas come from, as Transhumanism, although be it as simple information, inspire a group of technocrats not to be left behind in the global changes that lie ahead.
There are many problems that are pending to be solved on the planet: like the hungry population, those deprived of drinking water and climate change. Without solving these pressing problems, humanity is not prepared to They say that the Blockade influences. But even when the government is going to lean on that crutch and release the Cuban's innate capacity for rapid development, even in the domestic market. No, they expect foreign investments and partnerships with developed countries-even with the previously impoverished Angola-to develop more dependency as a blood-sucking tick, now that the European communist camp has imploded, Venezuela and Nicaragua follow the same path, drawn by a Communism that enthrone the State and its maximum leaders, eternally in power.
They do not awaken from this Materialist utopia because they would lose control over the masses that possess and will have to face a very different reality: freedom and the true dignity of the human being.
I remember mass abortions in the early 1990s - Cubans did not like condoms and women contraceptive pills - because of a fast and safe type of "Liposuction". In a giant bottle, bloody clots accumulated-either it was a delayed menstruation or a pregnancy in the first weeks-it did not matter. The Cuban girls underwent abortion as satisfactory was the sexual game in which the implantation of the future fetus took place. This happened until the Catholic Church took out its "Pastoral: Love expects everything".
Here for the first time an institution, previously silent, launched the cry against these practices that went against its doctrine. And not only spoke of the massiveness of abortion, but the government's methods to dismember the traditional family and the values that parents transmitted to their children.
That put the hysterical authorities. Look to criticize the sacred laws of the Totalitarian State! Authors of recognized trajectory began to attack the Church from all sides, relying on an ironclad press censorship where they did not allow an ecclesiastical authority to defend their position.
We went to Mass with the fear that "the organized people" would make us an act of repudiation during the Eucharist.
Fidel Castro seemed not to get involved in the matter, he knew that religion insinuated the truth about communism, besides, he knew when to shut up and when to give one of his interminable speeches.But the result: abortions decreased as if by magic. Perhaps due to a secret resolution that was delivered to the directors of clinics or hospitals. That custom still lasts, I say, of not discussing burning problems that affect the whole society. But with a secrecy-like the increase in wages-without even going to the Square Table, it is the issue of Embargo, of support for Venezuela, Nicaragua and North Korea.
The journalists and pro-government writers already know by a matter of super vivencia which subjects to treat and which not to treat. As the story of the priest says "I also take care of my little ass"
Bill McKibben, for example, suggests that human enhancement technologies would be disproportionately available to those with more financial resources, thus widening the gap between rich and poor and creating a genetic divide.
Lee Silver, a biologist and science popularizer who coined the term reprogenetics and who has supported its applications, has nonetheless shown his concern that such methods could create a society deeply divided between those who have access to such technologies and those who do not, it should be discouraged, or even forbidden, since it would give even more power to those who are already powerful.
Indeed, the alliance between biotechnologies, genetic engineering, nano-robotics and neurosciences, enhanced by the information sciences and their capacity for data storage and processing, allow the penetration of the secrets of the biological order, and this logically includes body.
Hand in hand with a materialist ideology, the body loses ontological weight and is seen more and more as mere available material.
Somehow, in the Transhumanism we find elements of neo-Pelagianism denounced by the Placuit Deo document, because there is a trust in the radically autonomous individual, who seeks to save himself, without recognizing that it depends, in the depths of his being, of God and of others.
"Salvation is then entrusted to the forces of the individual, or purely human structures.But there are also elements of neo-Gnosticism, because it also seeks to "liberate the person from the body and the material cosmos, in which the traces of the Creator's provident hand are no longer discovered, but see only a meaningless reality. , alien to the person's ultimate identity, and manipulable according to the interests of man.Christian salvation before faith in Transhumanist progress.
In the Placuit Deo document we find elements that allow a value We find elements that allow an assessment of this movement. Thus, for example, it is denounced that "Gnosticism, in fact, is associated with a negative view of the created order, understood as a limitation of the absolute freedom of the human spirit. As a consequence, salvation is seen as the liberation of the body and the concrete relationships in which the person lives.
On the other hand, seeking eternal life in this world is presented as an immanentist goal that leads to paradoxical results, as Benedict XVI denounced: "Do we really want this: to live eternally?
Perhaps many people reject faith today simply because eternal life does not seem desirable to them. In no way do they want eternal life, but the present and, for this, faith in eternal life seems more like an obstacle. To continue living forever - without end - seems more a condemnation than a gift.
Certainly, you would want to postpone death as much as possible. But to live forever, without a term, would only ultimately be boring and ultimately unbearable.This is explained in our document: "As soon as we are saved, on the other hand," by the oblation of the body of Jesus Christ "(Hb 10:10, Col 1: 22), true salvation, far from being liberation from the body, also it includes his sanctification (cf. Ro 12, 1).
The human body has been modeled by God, who has inscribed in it a language that invites the human person to recognize the gifts of the Creator and to live in communion with the brothers. The Savior has restored and renewed, with his Incarnation and his paschal mystery, this original language and has communicated it to us in the bodily economy of the sacraments. Thanks to the sacraments, Christians can live in fidelity to the flesh of Christ and, consequently, in fidelity to the concrete order of relationships He has given us.
This order of relationships requires, in a special way, the care of the suffering humanity of all men, through the corporal and spiritual works of mercyIn a second step, it would be a question of reaching a "technological singularity" in which a new synthetic or artificial being could be manufactured; a new species or new technological organism that they call posthuman or cyborgs.
For some, this singularity is near. This cultural movement is known as Transhumanism (abbreviated as H + or h +). His ideology has already been embodied in literature, television, video games and film. Some of its cinematographic manifestations are: Avatar, Matrix, Robocop or Ex Machina.
It is God expelled from the horizon of human life and man as normative.In addition to altering the human nature, the worldview of Transhumanism seriously impairs the possibility of moral autonomy of the individual, which would be subject to social, political or economic interests, and eliminates the concept of equality among all human beings.
The anti-humanism of this postmodern ideology, which has replaced faith in God with a faith in the progress that the development of current and promising science and technology provides, is supported by a faulty anthropology that has been reached after a long process of trivializing what is really man. The problems it poses must not, however, produce fear of science and technology, which contain many positive possibilities for improvement, but a pedagogical reaction at all levels to explain clearly what a human person is, in which Somatic and spiritual come together in a peculiar way, giving rise to a rational, conscious, free being open to transcendence.
I consider that for this the most sensible thing is to return to the metaphysical and phenomenological-psychological or personalist perspectives, and, above all, the vision of the man and woman that the Christian tradition provides, for which the authentic improvement of human nature goes through the inner struggle in which values and virtues are acquired, in order to make us capable of achieving the purpose for which we were created, that it is another to love and enjoy God and serve our fellowmen.
When the man or woman who develops science and technology accepts this perspective and has this disposition they are able to understand the dignity of the human being and the respect it deserves, as well as to guide the acquisition of knowledge and the application of its results as means to achieve personal happiness, and really improve humanity.
Transhumanism has its foundation in a scientistic, materialistic, reductionist and atheist worldview of the human being. However, curiously it is converging with the new gnostic and New Age currents, thus forming a kind of techno-religion with hegemonic pretensions in the New World Order that has the clear objective of replacing the Christian worldview on the person and creation by another coIn relation to the lengthening of life, what the transhumanists call the Supe longevity, we must think if this will be a dream or rather a nightmare. Of course, the increase in life expectancy with quality, affection and care is good.
However, longevity of 100, 120, 130 ... years in solitude, with a degree of dependence unrequited with the love of our loved ones, with agonies and sufferings not sublimated by the sense and the Christian hope of achieving the joy of life eternal will be very difficult to cope with.
The temptation of euthanasia and the right to decide when and how to die will become generalized in our aging societies with serious deficits in the Welfare State.
The third aspect proposed by Transhumanism is the elimination of pain, of suffering, through our biotechnological transformation. In short, the creation of a happy world centered on Superbeing.
However, we all have proof that evil, suffering - above all innocent suffering - falls into the category of mystery, has no human response. It is part of this world and of the human condition.In the face of pain and suffering, what really matters most is consolation; and consolation is transmitted through presence, sharing in a particularly human way. When one suffers, what is most appreciated is the presence of the other who transmits his human warmth.
To eliminate pain, as proposed by Transhumanism, is to eliminate both the consoling presence of the other and also the embrace of Jesus who did not reject the cup of pain. Christ has not come to explain suffering or solve the problem of evil: He has taken evil on his back to free us from it.
From the speech of Pope Francis in the audience to the participants to the aforementioned Plenary Assembly, it is worth mentioning the following final idea: "the principle remains that not everything that is technically possible or feasible is, therefore, ethically acceptable. Science, like any other human activity, knows that it has limits that must be observed for the good of humanity itself, and requires a sense of ethical responsibility.
The true measure of progress, as Blessed Paul VI recalled, is what is directed to the good of every man and every man. "Therefore, I believe that Catholics should reflect deeply and rigorously on this bio-political system and this biotechnological economic model that may end up being directed by a synarchy that is radically contrary to the designs of God.Lengthening life in this life is fine, but the challenge of death is to enter a very dangerous terrain, because a human immortality on earth would oppose God's plan (death, judgment, heaven, hell.
Natural Law helps us in that discernment and the strength of the Holy Spirit will inspire us to do things well. We should not be afraid and act with caution but with hope itself.
Labels: #Transhumanism, Biogenetic, Climate-Change, Cuba-Tecnical-development, Cybor, Ecology, Eternal-life..Nanotecnologic, God-Transhumanism, Intelligent-
Después de rebuscar en google sobre este término en revista cubanas solo encontré un trabajo informando en qué consistía, tomando una posición neutral sobre la misma. Aquí me dije que la ciudadanía más educada del país ni siquiera sabía de las nuevas transformaciones que los poderosos de este mundo auguraban, y decidí escribir este largo artículo.
En primer lugar definimos la Trasmutación lo más breve posible. Esta nueva visión futurológica que raya en la ciencia ficción.
La tecnología y la robótica auguran un salto evolutivo de la especie.
La ideología transhumanista pretende ofrecer a nuestras sociedades contemporáneas un relato futurista que dé una cobertura filosófica, moral e, incluso, espiritual a la dimensión tecnológica del proyecto neoliberal posmoderno en este siglo XXI.
La tecnología y la robótica auguran un salto evolutivo de la especie. ¿A qué coste?
Según el movimiento transhumanista, y tal como afirma el ingeniero de Google Ray Kurzweil, la singularidad será un acontecimiento que sucederá dentro de unos años-50 años o como sucede siempre en la ciencia, dentro de 55 o 120 años, con el aumento espectacular del progreso tecnológico, y debido al desarrollo de la inteligencia artificial y a la convergencia de las tecnologías NBIC (nanotecnología, biotecnología, tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación y neurocognitivas).
Esa situación ocasionaría cambios sociales, culturales, políticos y económicos inimaginables, imposibles de comprender o predecir por cualquier humano anterior al citado acontecimiento. En esta fase de la evolución el Transhumanismo predice que se producirá la fusión entre tecnología e inteligencia humana, dando lugar a una era en que se impondrá la inteligencia no biológica de los posthumano.
A lo largo de este proceso el Transhumanismo quiere difundir una ideología y una cultura favorables al “mejoramiento humano” a través de la adopción de unas mejoras artificiales en el ser humano (genéticas, orgánicas, tecnológicas) con el objetivo declarado de hacerlo más inteligente, más longevo, más perfecto, más feliz, incluso para que pueda llegar a alcanzar la inmortalidad cibernética y la conquista del universo- Ahh. Hollywood, cómo nos has influido y preparado para estos cambios- No obstante, esta cosmovisión puede comportar riesgos. ¿Estamos preparados para ese cambio radical o bien pensamos que hay que conservar nuestro patrimonio genético y seguir siendo “personas humanas”, con nuestras limitaciones, pero conservando nuestra libertad y dignidad inalienables?
“La Singularidad es un hipotético acontecimiento futuro en el que el progreso tecnológico y el cambio social se acelerarán debido al desarrollo de inteligencias artificiales sobrehumanas, cambiando nuestro mundo de manera tal, que cualquier ser humano anterior a la Singularidad sería incapaz de comprender o predecir. Algunos pensadores identifican el comienzo de la Singularidad con la aparición de máquinas tan inteligentes como los humanos, y capaces de diseñar máquinas aún más inteligentes”
Escriben novelas, juegan algo como dioses, son cirujanos… Los logros de las máquinas son portentosos, pero la Inteligencia Artificial aún está muy lejos de superar a la humana y el futuro no será una distopía: resultará de la cooperación hombre-máquina.
Cuba y su atraso tecnológico actual en que no ha creado aun ni un solo teléfono inteligente ni un robot aunque sea que diga Sí, como quieren que el cubano siempre responda a las propuestas del Estado Socialista. El Instituto de Ingeniería Genética o como se llame, solo ha producido la famosa Vacuna contra el cáncer del Pulmón y la ya probada- con resultados médicos negativos-la loción contra el Vitíligo. Y eso que cuenta con científicos y médicos super califados para la transmutación genética y así trabajar sobre ciertas enfermedades o malformaciones que algunos fetos in útero desarrollen.
Pero algo falta en la Habana: es un factor antropológico y de índole económico-moral. Apenas sobreviven nuestros científicos con la hambruna generalizada y la búsqueda diaria del alimento y vestimenta. Por eso no han investigado sobre un gen, que incrustado a un pollo, obtengan una raza nueva productora de muchos huevos y de mucha carne. Aunque solo fuera eso.
El estímulo material es escaso y la motivación para investigar está llena de Burócratas por doquier – sobre todo miembros del MININT-vigilando las investigaciones posibles para una mejor autonomía de la ciencia no tanto supervisada por el Estado y donde las nuevas ideas- como Transhumanismo, aunque sea como simple información, inspire a un grupo de tecnócrata a no quedar atrás en los cambios mundiales que se avecinan.
Hay muchos problemas que están pendientes de resolver en el planeta: como la población hambrienta, los privados de agua potable y el cambio climático. Sin resolver estos acuciantes problemas la humanidad no está preparada para la Transhumanizacion.
Dicen que el Bloqueo influye. Pero hasta cuando el gobierno se va apoyar en esa muletilla y libere la capacidad innata del cubano para un desarrollo rápido, aunque sea en el mercado interno. No, esperan inversiones extrajeras y asociaciones con países desarrollados-incluso con la antes empobrecida Angola- para desarrollar mas dependencia como una garrapata succionadora de sangre, ahora que el campo comunista europeo implosinó, Venezuela y Nicaragua siguen el mismo camino, trazado por un Comunismo que entroniza al Estado y sus líderes máximos, eternamente en el poder.
No despiertan de esa utopía Materialista pues perderían el dominio sobre las masas que poseen y tendrán que enfrentar una realidad muy diferente: libertad y la verdadera dignidad del ser humano.
Recuerdo en los principios de los años 90 los abortos masivos- a los cubanos no les gustaban el preservativo y a las mujeres las píldoras anticonceptivas- por un tipo de “Liposucción” rápido y seguro. En un frasco gigante se acumulaba los coágulos sanguinolentos-o era menstruación atrasada o embarazo en las primeras semanas- no importa. Las chicas cubanas se sometían al aborto como era de satisfactorio el juego sexual en que se producía la implantación del futuro feto. Esto sucedía hasta que la Iglesia católica saco su “Pastoral: El amor todo lo espera”. Aquí por primera vez una institución, antes callada, lanzo el grito contra estas prácticas que iban en contra de su doctrina. Y no solo habló de la masividad del aborto, sino los métodos del gobierno para desmembrar la familia tradicional y los valores que los padres transmitían a sus hijos.
Aquello puso a las autoridades histéricas. ¡Mira que criticar a las sagradas leyes del Estado Totalitario! Autores de reconocida trayectoria comenzaron a atacar a la Iglesia por todos los flancos, apoyándose en una férrea censura de prensa donde no permitían que una autoridad eclesiástica defendiera su postura. Nosotros íbamos a Misa con el temor de que “el pueblo organizado” nos hiciera un acto de repudio durante la Eucaristía. Fidel Castro pareció no involucrarse en el asunto, sabía que la religión insinuaba la verdad sobre el comunismo, además, él sabía cuándo callar y cuando dar uno de sus interminables discursos.
Pero el resultado: los abortos disminuyeron como por arte de magia. Quizás debido a una resolución secreta que entregaban a los directores de clínicas u hospitales. Costumbre que aún perdura, digo, de no debatir problemas candentes que afecten a toda la sociedad. Sino con un secretismo-como el aumento de los salarios-sin acudir siquiera a la Mesa Cuadrada sino es el tema del Embargo, del apoyo a Venezuela, Nicaragua y Corea del Norte. Los periodistas y escritores oficialistas saben ya por una cuestión de súper vivencia cuales temas tratar y cuales no tratar. Como dice el cuento del Cura” Yo también me cuido mi culito”
Bill McKibben, por ejemplo, sugiere que las tecnologías de perfeccionamiento humano estarían desproporcionadamente a disposición de aquellos con más recursos financieros, ampliando, por tanto, la brecha entre ricos y pobres y creando una brecha genética.
Lee Silver, biólogo y divulgador científico que acuñó el término reprogenética y que ha apoyado sus aplicaciones, ha mostrado, no obstante, su preocupación de que tales métodos podrían crear una sociedad profundamente dividida entre los que tienen acceso a tales tecnologías y los que no, debería ser desanimada, o incluso prohibida, puesto que dotaría de aún más poder a aquellos que ya son poderosos.
En efecto, la alianza entre las biotecnologías, la ingeniería genética, la nano robótica y las neurociencias, potenciadas por las ciencias de la información y su capacidad de almacenamiento y procesamiento de datos, permiten penetrar los secretos del orden biológico, y ello incluye lógicamente al cuerpo humano. De la mano de una ideología materialista, el cuerpo pierde peso ontológico y es visto cada vez más como mera materia disponible.
De alguna manera, en el Transhumanismo encontramos elementos del neo-pelagianismo que denuncia el documento Placuit Deo, pues hay una confianza en el individuo radicalmente autónomo, que pretende salvarse a sí mismo, sin reconocer que depende, en lo más profundo de su ser, de Dios y de los demás. “La salvación es entonces confiada a las fuerzas del individuo, o las estructuras puramente humanas.
Pero también hay elementos propios del neo-gnosticismo, pues se busca también “liberar a la persona del cuerpo y del cosmos material, en los cuales ya no se descubren las huellas de la mano providente del Creador, sino que ve sólo una realidad sin sentido, ajena de la identidad última de la persona, y manipulable de acuerdo con los intereses del hombre.
La salvación cristiana ante la fe en el progreso Transhumanista.
En el documento Placuit Deo encontramos elementos que permite una valoración de este movimiento. Así, por ejemplo, se denuncia que “el gnosticismo, de hecho, se asocia con una mirada negativa en el orden creado, comprendido como limitación de la libertad absoluta del espíritu humano. Como consecuencia, la salvación es vista como la liberación del cuerpo y de las relaciones concretas en las que vive la persona.
Por otra parte, buscar la vida eterna en este mundo se presenta como un objetivo inmanentista que conduce a resultados paradójicos, como bien lo denunciaba Benedicto XVI: “¿De verdad queremos esto: vivir eternamente?
Tal vez muchas personas rechazan hoy la fe simplemente porque la vida eterna no les parece algo deseable. En modo alguno quieren la vida eterna, sino la presente y, para esto, la fe en la vida eterna les parece más bien un obstáculo. Seguir viviendo para siempre –sin fin– parece más una condena que un don. Ciertamente, se querría aplazar la muerte lo más posible. Pero vivir siempre, sin un término, sólo sería a fin de cuentas aburrido y al final insoportable.
Así lo explica nuestro documento: “En cuanto somos salvados, en cambio, «por la oblación del cuerpo de Jesucristo» (Hb 10, 10; cf. Col 1, 22), la verdadera salvación, lejos de ser liberación del cuerpo, también incluye su santificación (cf. Ro 12, 1). El cuerpo humano ha sido modelado por Dios, quien ha inscrito en él un lenguaje que invita a la persona humana a reconocer los dones del Creador y a vivir en comunión con los hermanos. El Salvador ha restablecido y renovado, con su Encarnación y su misterio pascual, este lenguaje originario y nos lo ha comunicado en la economía corporal de los sacramentos. Gracias a los sacramentos, los cristianos pueden vivir en fidelidad a la carne de Cristo y, en consecuencia, en fidelidad al orden concreto de relaciones que Él nos ha dado. Este orden de relaciones requiere, de manera especial, el cuidado de la humanidad sufriente de todos los hombres, a través de las obras de misericordia corporales y espirituales
En un segundo paso, se trataría de alcanzar una “singularidad tecnológica” en la que se lograría fabricar un nuevo ser totalmente sintético o artificial; una nueva especie o nuevo organismo tecnológico a los que denominan posthumano o ciborgs. Para algunos, dicha singularidad está cerca. Este movimiento cultural se conoce como Transhumanismo (abreviado como H+ o h+). Su ideología ya se ha plasmado en la literatura, la televisión, los videojuegos y el cine. Algunas de sus manifestaciones cinematográficas son: Avatar, Matrix, Robocop o Ex Machina.
Es Dios expulsado del horizonte de la vida humana y el hombre como normativa.
Además de alterarse la naturaleza humana, la cosmovisión del Transhumanismo lesiona gravemente la posibilidad de autonomía moral del individuo, que quedaría sometida a intereses sociales, políticos o económicos, y elimina el concepto de igualdad entre todos los seres humanos.
El anti humanismo de esta ideología postmoderna, que ha sustituido la fe en Dios por una fe en el progreso que proporciona el desarrollo de la ciencia y la tecnología actual y promisoria, está sustentado en una antropología errónea a la que se ha llegado después de un largo proceso de banalizar lo qué es realmente el hombre. Los problemas que plantea no deben, sin embargo, producir miedo a la ciencia y la tecnología, que encierran muchas posibilidades positivas de mejoramiento, sino una reacción pedagógica a todos los niveles para explicar con claridad lo que es una persona humana, en la que lo somático y lo espiritual se unen de una manera peculiar dando lugar a un ser racional, consciente, libre y abierto a la trascendencia. Considero que para ello lo más sensato es retomar las perspectivas metafísica y fenomenológica-psicológica o personalista, y, sobre todo, la visión del hombre y la mujer que proporciona la tradición cristiana, para las que el auténtico mejoramiento de la naturaleza humana pasa por la lucha interior en la que se adquieren valores y virtudes, al objeto de hacernos capaces de alcanzar la finalidad para la que hemos sido creados, que nos es otra amar y gozar de Dios y servir a nuestros semejantes.
Cuando el hombre o la mujer que desarrollan la ciencia y la tecnología aceptan esta perspectiva y tienen esta disposición son capaces comprender la dignidad del ser humano y el respeto que merece, así como orientar la adquisición de conocimientos y la aplicación de sus resultados como medios para alcanzar la felicidad personal, y mejorar realmente a la humanidad.
El Transhumanismo tiene su fundamento en una cosmovisión cientificista, materialista, reduccionista y atea del ser humano. No obstante, curiosamente está confluyendo con las nuevas corrientes gnósticas y New Age, conformando de este modo una especie de tecno-religión con pretensiones hegemónicas en el Nuevo Orden Mundial que tiene el claro objetivo de sustituir la cosmovisión cristiana sobre la persona y la creación por otra cosmovisión universal posthumana.
Específicamente para los creyentes católicos al contrastar cristianismo y Transhumanismo tenemos la oportunidad de estar de nuevo alerta sobre la tentación del «seréis como dioses» que permanentemente nos ofrece Satanás, el dios de este mundo (2 Corintios 4:4), y de este modo, volvernos a asombrar y a maravillar con el Plan de Dios, auténtico Soberano de este mundo y Rey del universo, que manifiesta su Amor verdadero y gratuito en sus actos de creación, redención y salvación del mundo y de la humanidad.
La visión prometeica del Transhumanismo, que nace de la muerte de Dios, es reduccionista respecto al ser humano. Su meta final, su objetivo último es la superación de lo humano basándose en la falsa promesa de un nuevo hombre transhumano o posthumano que se cree libre y elevado a un nivel de existencia superior e inmortal. El transhumano-posthumano se entroniza como el auténtico «Homo Deus». Ya sabemos que la superación de la humanidad por la figura ideológica del superhombre tiene raíces profundas en nuestra cultura, unas raíces que se fortalecen cada vez que en la historia intentamos «liberarnos» del legado de Jesús de Nazaret, es decir, de la humanidad nueva que, en cambio, se enraíza en su persona y en su resurrección
. La vida que nos presenta el Transhumanismo es una vida reducida, a pesar de las promesas de longevidad indefinida y de inmortalidad cibernética, una vida que, por eso mismo, no vive de ninguna plenitud. El nuevo hombre -el transhumano-posthumano- desconoce que Aquel contra quien lucha, olvida y niega es el fundamento de su grandeza, ya que el hombre no es el mismo ni se perfecciona si no es por la Gracia.
En relación al alargamiento de la vida, lo que los transhumanistas denominan la Supe longevidad, debemos pensar si ello será un sueño o más bien una pesadilla. Por supuesto que el aumento de la esperanza de vida con calidad, cariño y cuidados es bueno. No obstante, longevidades de 100, 120, 130… años en soledad, con un grado de dependencia no correspondido con el amor de nuestros seres queridos, con agonías y sufrimientos no sublimados por el sentido y la esperanza cristiana de alcanzar el gozo de la vida eterna resultaran muy difíciles de sobrellevar. La tentación de la eutanasia y el derecho a decidir cuándo y cómo morir se generalizarán en nuestras sociedades envejecidas y con déficits graves en el Estado del Bienestar.
El tercer aspecto que propone el Transhumanismo es la eliminación del dolor, del sufrimiento, mediante nuestra transformación biotecnológica. En definitiva, la creación de un mundo feliz centrado en el Superbienestar.
No obstante, todos tenemos constancia de que el mal, el sufrimiento – sobre todo el sufrimiento inocente- entra en la categoría del misterio, no tiene respuesta humana. Forma parte de este mundo y de la condición humana.
Ante el dolor y el sufrimiento, lo que verdaderamente vale más es el consuelo; y el consuelo se transmite mediante la presencia, la coparticipación en el de manera especialmente humana. Cuando uno sufre, lo que más se agradece es la presencia del otro que le transmite su calor humano. Eliminar el dolor, como propone el Transhumanismo, es eliminar a la vez la presencia consoladora del otro y también el abrazo de Jesús que no rechazó el cáliz del dolor. Cristo no ha venido a explicar el sufrimiento ni a resolver el problema del mal: ha tomado el mal sobre sus espaldas para liberarnos de él.
Del discurso del Papa Francisco en la audiencia a los participantes a la citada Asamblea Plenaria, cabe destacar la siguiente idea final: « sigue siendo válido el principio de que no todo lo que es técnicamente posible o factible es, por lo tanto, éticamente aceptable. La ciencia, como cualquier otra actividad humana, sabe que tiene límites que se deben observar por el bien de la humanidad misma, y requiere un sentido de responsabilidad ética. La verdadera medida del progreso, como recordaba el beato Pablo VI, es lo que está dirigido al bien de cada hombre y de todo hombre».
Por ello, creo necesario que los católicos reflexionemos profunda y rigurosamente sobre este sistema biopolitico y este modelo económico biotecnológico que puede acabar siendo dirigido por una sinarquía contraria radicalmente a los designios de Dios.
Alargar la vida en esta vida está bien, pero el hecho de desafiar a la muerte es entrar en un terreno muy peligroso, pues una inmortalidad humana en la tierra se opondría al plan de Dios (muerte, juicio, cielo, infierno).
La Ley natural nos ayuda en ese discernimiento y la fuerza del Espíritu Santo nos inspirará para hacer bien las cosas. No debemos tener miedo y actuar con cautela pero con esperanza misma.
Typical is the case of the protest of the members of the TGGB organization and the multiple failures of Cuban communism-I will not mention now, the list would be too long, to look for an internal or external enemy of the typical failures that countries have always committed.
Communists around the world. The last example: Venezuela."The problem is that you can not get along with yourself, and that's why we tend to blame others."
This explains why it costs us so much to accept that we have made a mistake. "Everything negative bothers us and blaming the other is a great resource," Martínez Lahuerta completes, "because the mind prefers to disengage from what a negative consequence brings."But, above all, we must avoid living installed in the thought Steve Urkel, of "I've been me?"
Experts explain that those who tend to attribute the responsibility of their failures to others are people with a hyper subjective perception of reality and a high level of intolerance to negative emotions, but they also emphasize that each one is the driver of their emotions. own life.
But the conclusion, according to the authorized voices, is that the problem is not to err, but to err many times in the same. And, beyond that, the problem lies in erring and, in addition, becoming a Steve Urkel.
The human being falls again and again in a typical error: look for guilty outside of himself, for any problem. If we succeed, it is our virtue, but if we err, it will surely be the responsibility of the other.
"If you close the door to all errors, the truth will also be left out."-Rabindranath Tagore"
Fear of a negative evaluation, or fear of being judged negatively by others and incur their contempt and disdain; fear that others think we are stupid, weak, inept and maybe even that we are crazy ».
Crark and Beck-Before an event to which we blame an external factor. We become apathetic spectators and at the same time complicit in the non-assistance to someone who needs help. What is known as "spreading responsibility".
We are all guilty and none at the same time.And finally, we introduce the figure of the "selfish empathic" to reduce the emotional discomfort that generates us being witnesses of the suffering of others.
"If people were only responsible for what they do consciously, idiots would be free of blame in advance"-Milan Kundera-
The main cause of the lies is the child's fear of rejection, of losing the appreciation of others, a fear that incites blame to circumstances, to other people's factors or to others.Making excuses is so common for some people that sometimes it does not matter anymore if the argument is reasonable or not, it is enough to think that no one can deny it.
Faced with a failure, they justify themselves and blame others or the circumstances. Victims are made to be recognized for their merits.It is a common trait in paranoid personality disorder. In this, the symptomatology consists of a generalized and unjustified tendency to interpret the actions of others as aggressive or threatening.
They are people who feel exploited by others, distrustful, jealous, often react aggressively in a disguised manner. It is estimated that between 0.5 and 2.5 percent of the general population suffers from this problem. These people rarely seek professional help.
The role of victim is assumed guilt to all and all of the negative things that happen in order to get attention and enjoy the pity of others. The complaints and claims, surreptitiously, are transmitting a clear message: feel guilt.
They are people who go as martyrs for life.In general, when people face difficulties, they look for solutions. But those with victimhood do not do it. His talent is to find excuses. Their behavior is aimed at denying their faults and doing away with responsibilities.
Victimization consists of defending oneself from anxiety and fear, projecting the difficult situations of daily life into people and external situations, and the way to achieve this is to be mistreated.But since not everyone enters the game, they can easily reach resentment, anger or the desire for revenge. And this is achieved by attacking physically or emotionally.
These people, in some way, enjoy their suffering and, unconsciously, see it as a means of self-gratification and (in some way) personal achievement.But all this must have some advantage. To understand what is DR ORLANDO VICENTE ALVAREZ
Typical is the case of the protest of the members of the TGGB organization and the multiple failures of Cuban communism-I will not mention now, the list would be too long, to look for an internal or external enemy of the typical failures that countries have always committed.
Communists around the world. The last example: Venezuela."The problem is that you can not get along with yourself, and that's why we tend to blame others."
This explains why it costs us so much to accept that we have made a mistake. "Everything negative bothers us and blaming the other is a great resource," Martínez Lahuerta completes, "because the mind prefers to disengage from what a negative consequence brings."But, above all, we must avoid living installed in the thought Steve Urkel, of "I've been me?"
Experts explain that those who tend to attribute the responsibility of their failures to others are people with a hyper subjective perception of reality and a high level of intolerance to negative emotions, but they also emphasize that each one is the driver of their emotions. own life.
But the conclusion, according to the authorized voices, is that the problem is not to err, but to err many times in the same. And, beyond that, the problem lies in erring and, in addition, becoming a Steve Urkel.
The human being falls again and again in a typical error: look for guilty outside of himself, for any problem. If we succeed, it is our virtue, but if we err, it will surely be the responsibility of the other.
"If you close the door to all errors, the truth will also be left out."-Rabindranath Tagore"
Fear of a negative evaluation, or fear of being judged negatively by others and incur their contempt and disdain; fear that others think we are stupid, weak, inept and maybe even that we are crazy ».
Crark and Beck-Before an event to which we blame an external factor. We become apathetic spectators and at the same time complicit in the non-assistance to someone who needs help. What is known as "spreading responsibility".
We are all guilty and none at the same time.And finally, we introduce the figure of the "selfish empathic" to reduce the emotional discomfort that generates us being witnesses of the suffering of others.
"If people were only responsible for what they do consciously, idiots would be free of blame in advance"-Milan Kundera-
The main cause of the lies is the child's fear of rejection, of losing the appreciation of others, a fear that incites blame to circumstances, to other people's factors or to others.Making excuses is so common for some people that sometimes it does not matter anymore if the argument is reasonable or not, it is enough to think that no one can deny it.
Faced with a failure, they justify themselves and blame others or the circumstances. Victims are made to be recognized for their merits.It is a common trait in paranoid personality disorder. In this, the symptomatology consists of a generalized and unjustified tendency to interpret the actions of others as aggressive or threatening.
They are people who feel exploited by others, distrustful, jealous, often react aggressively in a disguised manner. It is estimated that between 0.5 and 2.5 percent of the general population suffers from this problem. These people rarely seek professional help.
The role of victim is assumed guilt to all and all of the negative things that happen in order to get attention and enjoy the pity of others. The complaints and claims, surreptitiously, are transmitting a clear message: feel guilt.
They are people who go as martyrs for life.In general, when people face difficulties, they look for solutions. But those with victimhood do not do it. His talent is to find excuses. Their behavior is aimed at denying their faults and doing away with responsibilities.
Victimization consists of defending oneself from anxiety and fear, projecting the difficult situations of daily life into people and external situations, and the way to achieve this is to be mistreated.But since not everyone enters the game, they can easily reach resentment, anger or the desire for revenge. And this is achieved by attacking physically or emotionally.
These people, in some way, enjoy their suffering and, unconsciously, see it as a means of self-gratification and (in some way) personal achievement.But all this must have some advantage. To understand what is DR ORLANDO VICENTE ALVAREZ
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